Sunday, May 17, 2015

New Zealand--Day 5

Today we had a free day, which meant that my butt stayed in bed as long as I wanted. :) Eventually though I got up and went to Starbucks where I snacked on some pound cake and drank a coffee.  I even tried to call Keianna but she was busy and/or ignored my call.  So instead I called my sister.  I felt bad because it was the day of her graduation party and I was out of the country, so I spent some time on the phone with her and the family.  It sounded like she was enjoying her day so far.

After out talk, I headed down Queen St. to take a look and see what kind of places they had to shop for warmer clothes.  I new it was going to be winter there, but I didn't think I would be that cold.  I found one of my favorite stores that I haven't seen since my trip to the Mall of America freshmen year of college with my roommate: Cotton On.  I could live in that store! By the way, I love the fact that they add tax on to the price tags.  It makes life so much easier.

There was a group of people that decided they wanted to go kayaking early in the morning and then meet up at a different island.  So I headed to Waiheke with one of the girls to meet the rest of the crew.  Unfortunately, we never did meet up with the rest of the crew because they got back later than they expected.  But we still had a fun time walking around the island and checking out the small village.  We even found another beach where there was tons of full sea shells and starfish all over the place.

We got back to the city of Auckland around 5pm.  I decided that I was hungry, so I split to get some food.  I tired looking for a new place, but Burger Fuel sounded so good.  After getting that, I headed back to YHA to have a relaxing night with some food and friends.

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