Thursday, May 14, 2015

New Zealand--Day 2

Getting up this morning was dreadful.  8 am did not agree with me, but that was the time Jamie was providing breakfast so I couldn't complain.  After that, I sent a message to mom to let her know I was alright, and then we headed down Queen St. for our daily adventure.  Let me just say, by the way, that Queen St. is a giant hill..... so doing down is great, but heading back up just about kills you.

We took a ferry ride to a near by island called Rangitoto.  Fortunately we had a tour guide that took us to the summit of the mountain, so all we had to do was climb the rest of the way.  I will never complain about having to use a stair master again...  The view was beautiful though :)
We decided to take the trails down instead of using the tour guide.  Hello calves.  The walk was pretty sweet though because right away we saw some old bunkers that were empty but open. Kind of creepy but still cool.  Later on we found caves that we had to crawl through and hike out of--still fun. We met up with the rest of the group by 12:30 pm and took the ferry back to Auckland.  On our walk up Queen St.  we stopped and grabbed burgers from Burger Fuel for lunch.  I think they have some of the best burgers I have ever had, but that's just me.

After lunch it is always a good time to take a nap....which is what most of us did :) Then we all got up and got ready to head out to the bars! Ironically I think the favorite of the night was a place called Father Ted's (Irish bar).  Not to shabby for being super exhausted!

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