Tuesday, May 19, 2015

New Zealand--Day 7

Last night I had to pack up my bag so that we could be on the bus and ready to go by 7:30 am.  That meant that breakfast was super early and people were cranky.  There wasn't much that happened today because we had to be on the bus for such a long ride, but we did get to go to one place that was super cool.... HOBBITTON!

Let me tell you how cool that place is.  I could not believe that I was standing in the same places where they filmed Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit! It was just amazing to see how everything looked so real and legit, but the majority of it was plastic.  They had all different sizes of doors so they could make people seem very big or very small.  I got to go inside of one of the houses (baker's house) and even see Bag End! It was such an amazing experience :)

We ate lunch there as well, and while I enjoyed my veggie roll Jamie told us stories about how he was an extra for the Lord of the Rings movies and worked on the set of the Hobbit.   That guy has done much with his life it is ridiculous!

We got to the YHA in Rotorua around 3, so we hung out for a bit before we headed to Lone Star.  It is just a local bar and grill, but it was super delicious! After everyone had lots of drinks and full bellies, some of us decided to take a walk and see if we could find a place to buy some drinks.  Instead we got lost in a sketchy area and decided that we should just head back.  Let me tell you, that shower and bed felt great!

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